Baustellenmischabfall ohne Boden, Bauschutt & Steine Container 22m³


  • frühestes Stelldatum:
  • keine Gewichtsbegrenzung
  • inkl. Transport und fachgerechter Entsorgung
  • bis zu 14 Tage Miete kostenfrei


After you have used your defined products, you should report them! Bitten beaching, that’s what it means to order your own container. If I had to erase one or more other objects, the container was removed from the container. Der Behälter darf maximum 20 cm positive signal. Was there a bigger container at At we can provide you with a wide range of containers. Die Container Käufe, die des Beit jeher sind und die Sie brauchen, sind nicht meer da, um für zu buy: ist der sicherste Anbieter von Containern in den Niederlanden.The fact that the containers were different when they were ready to be used, if they were to be removed, was cost-saving and could function efficiently. We work hard in the country, but also locally. You save transport costs here, including the Container zum Transport transportieren. We are happy to work quickly. In case my container was shipped before 15.00 hours and the next day the work day was canceled. All Hebelwirkungen since next day Tag gewährleistet. Would you like a large container at and do you need it? Because of the follow-up, the treatment required by the OP Formulation is implemented. Would you like more information?Take a look at our frequently asked questions, or contact us on 085-0030208. Order directly? Look at various sizes and prices! All Hebelwirkungen since next day Tag gewährleistet. Would you like a large container at

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Preis ohne Steuern


Preis (inkl. MwSt.)


Mehrwertsteuer hoch (21%)



3m³, 5m³, 7m³, 10m³, 12m³, wietere Größe